
Preclinical studies for COPD research: PPE model

We would like to  share with you about our Porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE)-induced pulmonary emphysema model, known as a disease model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This model develops pulmonary emphysema due to elastin degradation in the lung tissue and consequent immune cell infiltration caused by elastin fragments.

Here at SMC, we use a Microsprayer to administer PPE in spray form in order to reduce variation and get a nice even spread throughout the lungs, ensuring it is reproducible and has a uniform pathophysiology.

As shown in the figure below, PPE causes the destruction of the alveolar walls, resulting in airspace enlargement (Mean linear intercept).


If you found the above information interesting and would like to learn more about our COPD model, please contact us.