
Study published in Cell Metabolism on the efficacy of MGAT2 inhibitor in STAM™

SMC is proud to announce that Bristol-Myers Squibb (NJ) has published the results of their study using our pre-clinical services with the STAM™ model in Cell Metabolism.



MGAT2 inhibitor decreases liver fibrosis and inflammation in murine NASH models and reduces body weight in human adults with obesity

(Cheng et al., Cell Metab 2022)


The above article reviews the effect of Bristol-Myers Squibb’s compound, BMS-963272 (Monoacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (MGAT2) inhibitor), in the STAM™ model from week 6 to week 9, where the mice develop a similar pathology to the early stages of NASH.

The STAM™ mice have a type 2 diabetic background and spontaneously develop fatty liver, which progresses to NASH, fibrosis, and finally ends in liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).

The results from this study showed that BMS-963272 tended to decrease the NAFLD activity score and was able to significantly reduced liver fibrosis and plasma TNF-α levels when compared to the vehicle group. These results indicate that BMS-963272 has a therapeutic effect on NASH by reducing both inflammation and fibrosis.


Are you considering conducting a study to evaluate the efficacy of your compound in NASH? Then why not consider evaluating it in a clinically relevant model. In the STAM™ model, steatosis, inflammation and ballooning degeneration can all be evaluated, allowing for the accurate calculation of the NAFLD activity score– the same endpoint that is used in clinical trials!


If you choose to conduct a study with us, we will use our years of experience to provide you with a study design that will help you to get your project on track. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in running a study in our STAM™ model, or if you would just like to learn more about the services we offer here at SMC Laboratories.