
STAM™ mice study: demonstration of MSCs-based cell therapy study for the NASH treatment

We introduce an example of a drug evaluation study on the efficacy of cell therapy in the treatment of NASH using our STAM™ mice, model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).


Title: Human Allogeneic Liver-Derived Progenitor Cells Significantly Improve NAFLD Activity Score and Fibrosis in Late-Stage NASH Animal Model

( Najimi et al., Cells. 2022 )   Article Link ► [DOI: 10.3390/cells11182854]


In this study, we transplanted HALPCs i.v. into STAM™ mice in the early or late phases of NASH and evaluated NAFLD Activity Score and fibrosis area by Sirius Red staining. Also, cyclosporine was administered for immunosuppression.

These results showed that HALPCs transplantation significantly reduced NAFLD activity scores, mainly by suppressing liver inflammation and hepatocyte ballooning, and also reduced perihepatic fibrosis by approximately 30% in STAM™ mice, demonstrating the therapeutic effect of HALPCs on NASH.


It is possible to use STAM™ mice for drug evaluation studies and basic research on NASH using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and other stem cells, as in the present study.


Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in running a study in our STAM™ model, or if you would just like to learn more about the services we offer here at SMC Laboratories.